Salih Mahmod

Founder & CEO
Salih Mahmod
Photo credit / Image credit
Mustafa Walid

Electronic & Communication engineer. Founder of Mosul Space innovation hub that has a makerspace and coworking area in Iraq. MBA in Leipzig university and interested in tech startups, digital transformation, economic development and makerspace movement.


Global Makerspaces and Decentral Production (mAkE)

Kirstin Wiedow, Barbara Schack, Salih Mahmod, Andrew Lamb, Anna Sera Lowe

What is the role of Makerspaces in decentralized production and increased employment in local communities? The relevance of makerspaces is growing as they are providing access to prototyping and production technologies and knowledge as well as capacity building.
Home Base
Meet Up

Mosul Space cultural and heritage fabrication

Salih Mahmod

Location: Makerspace

Products from Dhay antiques Startup project in Mosul developed in Mosul Space programs will be presented, bells produced to UNSCO for revive Mosul spirt project that aim to rebuild heritage sites in city and small mockett for small part of the old city to be used for studying the city.
Off Stage