Kirstin Wiedow

Partnerships and Community and Co-lead of the mAkE project
Swinging around in Noordhoek, Cape Town
Photo credit / Image credit
Damien Schacht

Creative strategist with skills across design and digital fabrication currently supporting a global interconnected network of innovators with #gig. Avidly building a thriving Namibian entrepreneurship ecosystem as co-founder of the Namibian Business Angel Network. Female entrepreneur supporting uptake of digital technology skills for young Africans as co-founder of Robotschool.nam and spurring new ideas into new business concepts. I'm into oenology, a purveyor of curious goods, epicure, tattoo and tarot enthusiast and a nephophile. 


Global Makerspaces and Decentral Production (mAkE)

Kirstin Wiedow, Barbara Schack, Salih Mahmod, Andrew Lamb, Anna Sera Lowe

What is the role of Makerspaces in decentralized production and increased employment in local communities? The relevance of makerspaces is growing as they are providing access to prototyping and production technologies and knowledge as well as capacity building.
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