Carolin Wienrich

Professor of Human-Technology-Systems, University Würzburg
Carolin Wienrich
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Carolin is a professor for the Human-Technology-Systems and investigates the precursors, potentials, and risks of digital interactions and experiences since digital entities and digital interventions accompany humans in many contexts. Participatory and human-centered research, theoretical concepts, and multi-methods from psychology and computer science determine her research within three key topics: (1) AI Literacy addressing desiderata about the analyses and training of digital competencies. (2) Interaction Paradigms between Humans and Digital Entities referring to desiderata about the analyses, design, and evaluation of artificial, intelligent, and interactive counterparts and their impact on humans; and  (3) Digital Change Experiences addressing desiderata about potential and risks of digital interventions. 



KI erleben mit virtueller Realität - Psychologische Effekte der Gestaltung KI-basierter Systeme

Carolin Wienrich, Astrid Carolus

Wie stellst du dir deine zukünftigen KI-basierten Arbeitskolleg:innen vor? Was glaubst du, welchen Einfluss die Gestaltung dieser KI-Systeme auf die Akzeptanz und Zufriedenheit hat?
Wenn du Antworten auf diese Fragen suchst, dann bist Du in diesem Workshop genau richtig!
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