What defines a good session?

The most interesting sessions give space to different perspectives. Make sure to look for the basic characteristics of a diverse session:
Diversity and gender balance are to be understood as a commitment to an empathetic and inclusive community—they represent our attitude as event organisers.

All sessions should conform to and try to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Gender balance (we naturally include people who do not feel they belong to the binary gender paradigm).
  • Representation of different perspectives
  • Surprise factor

Your session should also convince with a clear idea, a good topical classification and a consistent concept. As well as through concise formulations.
For example: "How surgeons practice difficult operations in virtual reality" is better than "Virtual reality as a training tool".
Describe how you will proceed and which methods you will use. The programme team, our experts from the Track Teams who will evaluate your contribution, and the participants of re:publica are looking for captivating and profound content that deals with the challenges and possible solutions of our digital society. They are not interested in marketing pitches disguised as informative sessions.
You can find some good examples on the website of re:publica 2019, which was themed "tl;dr".