Yann Yuro

Yann Yuro Portrait
Photo credit / Image credit
Hans-Joachim Brucherseifer

I'm a magician and actor, living in Leipzig, Germany.

I won 1st place in Mental Magic at the 2021 European Championships of Magic in Spain. Still can't believe it. In January 2018 I premiered my evening-long solo show "Der Mind_Hacker" which has since played in different cities around Germany. The show uses magic, deception and technology to present potential phenomena of our digital future: Mind reading computers, algorithms predicting your exact behaviour and an infallible dating app.

In real life I'm the father of a magical six month old boy.


The Mind_Hacker

Yann Yuro

„Wow, das hatte es in sich!“ – Leipziger Volkszeitung
Das Internet weiß alles über uns. Doch wie lange noch, bis Computer unsere Gedanken lesen? Yann Yuro ist der amtierende Europameister in Mentalmagie. Mit Hilfe seines Laptops hackt er sich scheinbar in die Köpfe des Publikums.
Stage 5
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