Christoph Mille

Mille in weißem T-Shirt mit "Izufornia"-Aufdruck vor hell-fliederfarbenem Hintergrund.
Photo credit / Image credit
Marc Maria

I am an artist and designer, born and living in Berlin.

I am interested in storytelling in the real and the virtual world - especially where those two world meet, touch and merge.

I want to enable creators to travel those worlds freely, so that they can present and realize their work's worth in an easy  and safe way - while letting them keep complete control and ownership of their own creation.


Trial & Error Meetup #1 - with Inputs on Questions of Feminism & Ownership & Regulation

Katrin Fritsch, Ivo Betke, Christoph Mille, Max Haarich

Room to further discuss about web3 Narratives. And 3 additional inputs on a) asking feminist questions about web3 and futures of the Internet, b) discussing ownership and agency of creators in web3 and web2, and 3) collective regulation in the crypto space.
Workshop J
Meet Up