Manu Maier-Hummel

Deputy Head Digital Ideation, Lecturer, Researcher, PhD student, Troubleshooter,...
portrait of a human being
Photo credit / Image credit
Melk Imboden

Manu Maier-Hummel studied product and environmental design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd and at the Kuopio Academy of Design in Finland. After graduating in 2005, she worked interdisciplinarily as an industrial-, user experience- and human-computer interaction designer. With her company ICANNOTNOTDESIGN she specialised in consulting for companies and conducted design thinking workshops. After several years of professional experience, she decided to study in Montreal and graduated in 2015 from Concordia and McGill Universities with a Masters in Design Research in Urban Planning, Psychology and Sociology. Upon her return, she was instrumental in setting up and teaching the Digital Ideation programme at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the first interfaculty programme between Design & Art and Computer Science, where she is now deputy programme director and lecturer. In her research (since 2021), she investigates how children's participation and movement data can be developed and used in city planning for data-driven and especially inclusive design of urban space.


Das Urbane Digitop

Rico Herzog, Martin Barner, Manu Maier-Hummel, Johanna Fischer, Annika Kühn

Wir suchen das Urbane Digitop! Wie sieht es aus? Groß, klein; ex- oder inklusiv, geizig oder großzügig?
Das Urbane Digitop ist ein Game zwischen digitalem und physischem Raum der Stadt. Ein unerschöpflicher Quell urbaner Prozesse. Mit unseren digitalen Tools könnt ihr kollaborativ Geschichten erzählen und entwickelt damit einen städtischen Raum.
Workshop J
Hands On