Laura Sophie Dornheim

Dr. Laura Dornheim is a feminist, a blogger, a politician and last but not least an advocate for digital utopia.
Laura gained almost 20 years of experience in different digital businesses and organizations, she currently is the Head of Communications for an ad blocking company. She learned HTML when she was 14, later studied business informatics and gained a PhD. for her research on women in leadership.
In her spare time, she leads the Green party's working group on digital in Berlin.
From the time she first went online, she is excited about the endless possibilities the internet provides, the way it allows us to connect with others and explore new things. Today she advocates for a free and open web where the rights and opportunities of all users are prioritized over profit or surveillance interests of a few.


Time to Break New Boundaries: Zivilgesellschaft und Parteipolitik in digitaler Interaktion

Ann Cathrin Riedel, Laura Sophie Dornheim, Maximilian Oehl

Zivilgesellschaft und Parteipolitik begegnen sich auf vielfältige Weise im digitalen Raum – schaffen es dabei jedoch selten, diskursive Gewohnheiten zu überwinden. Dieses Panel beleuchtet den status quo und zeigt Potenziale für eine dynamische, digital-demokratische Zukunft auf: It’s time to break new boundaries!
Hoppetosse: Sonnendeck
Panel discussion