Myriad - Where We Connect

Sebastian Baurmann, Michael Grotenhoff, Tom Millen

Myriad is a multi-platform experience that visualises animal migration on a global scale to help us understand the interconnectedness of our world and our impact on it. Join the creators of Myriad in conversation with Tom Millen, curator at Silbersalz Science and Media Festival for a deep dive into this immersive storytelling project.
Stage 6
Panel discussion

MYRIAD is a multi-platform project about animal migration patterns spanning VR, 360, TV documentary, full dome projection, interactive and workshops. The project cooperated closely with the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin to craft experiences at the intersection of science, art and education.

MYRIAD takes this scientific foundation to create immersive experiences to show the complexity of animal behavior – and how global animal pathways have been influenced by anthropogenic changes to the environment.

Visualizing movement on a massive, yet intuitive scale can help us understand the interconnectedness of our world, and restore a sense of wonder for the world around us.

Myriad creators Michael Grotenhoff and Sebastian Baurmann will take us on a deep dive into the creation of the project in conversation with curator Tom Millen from Silbersalz Science and Media Festival where Myriad will appear in 2022.

Sebastian Baurmann
CEO & Creative Director
Producer & Director