Climate Storytelling Panel

Sara Schurmann, Lewis Akenji, Michael Ruf, Lydia Band

Hearts and Minds: Storytelling and the Climate Crisis
The Climate Crisis is real. But how do we encourage people to take it serious? How do we move their hearts and minds, connect them to the causes and encourage them to stand up for the solutions? Through excellent storytelling.
.txt Stage
Panel discussion

Hearts and Minds: Storytelling and the Climate Crisis
The Climate Crisis is real. But how do we encourage people to take it serious? How do we move their hearts and minds, connect them to the causes and encourage them to stand up for the solutions? Through excellent storytelling.
Pure facts can be overwhelming and  devastating, but when placed in the context of a story that people can relate to, those facts become part of a reality, which we can comprehend better, react to and address. Together with Sara Schurmann (journalist), Michael Ruf (theater director) and Lewis Akenji (scientist), we will discuss the influence that storytelling can have on changing the general public perspective, and why we may need to follow a constructive storytelling approach.

Lewis Akenji - Managing Director, Hot or Cool Institute
Managing Director
Foto Michael Ruf
Autor, Regisseur, Geschäftsführer