Looking back at .txt

27.06.2022 - On 11 June, we celebrated the living word for the first time—check out our recap video to see what it was like!
Bedruckte Papierstreifen als Deko auf der .txt22 flattern vor der untergehenden Sonne im Hintergrund
Photo Credit
Anne Barth

So what happens when a network meeting takes place around the written word with re:publica spirit? When it's not just about "high literature" but also about screenplays, song lyrics, graphic novels, tweets, podcast scripts, essays and memes? 

So what happens when a network meeting takes place around the written word with re:publica spirit? When it's not just about "high literature" but also about screenplays, song lyrics, graphic novels, tweets, podcast scripts, essays and memes? 

At .txt on 11 June 2022, we answered these questions and launched a new event format on the fourth day of re:publica. At Glass House and Badeschiff on the Arena grounds, we debated with you and our speakers, inspired each other at workshops and celebrated the living word. We have captured a few impressions of this wonderful day in our video review.

Many thanks to all who came and spent the day with us!
