Matthias Kirschner

Portrait picture of Matthias Kirschner
Foto/Bild Credit
Max Power, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Matthias Kirschner is President of FSFE. In 1999 he started using GNU/Linux and realised that software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives. Matthias is convinced that this technology has to empower society not restrict it. While studying Political and Administrative Science he joined FSFE in 2004.

He helps other organisations, companies and governments to understand how they can benefit from Free Software -- which gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt, and share software -- and how those rights help to support freedom of speech, freedom of press or privacy.

Matthias loves playing with his children, and in his spare time assists in wilderness first aid seminars, enjoys comics like XKCD and Transmetropolitan; and the band "Die Ärzte".


Buchlesung "Ada & Zangemann: Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und Himbeereis"

Matthias Kirschner

In einer riesigen Villa hoch oben über der Stadt lebt der berühmte Erfinder Zangemann. Erwachsene wie Kinder lieben seine Erfindungen und wollen sie unbedingt haben. Doch dann geschieht etwas: Zangemann kommt in die Stadt, um seine Erfindungen wieder einmal aus der Nähe zu betrachten und – RUMMS! – ein Kind fährt ihm mit seinem Skateboard gegen das