Daniel Drepper

Acting Head of Investigations
Portraitfoto von Daniel Drepper in Sakko, Hemd und unter einer Berliner Brücke.
Foto/Bild Credit
Stefan Beetz

Daniel Drepper is Acting Head of Investigations for the investigative cooperation between NDR, WDR and Süddeutsche Zeitung. Since 2010, Drepper worked as a reporter for the investigative unit at Funke-Mediengruppe. In 2014 he co-founded Correctiv, the first non-profit investigative newsroom in Germany. From 2017 to 2022 he was the Editor in Chief of BuzzFeed News in Germany (later called Ippen Investigativ). Drepper studied journalism in Dortmund and got a master's in investigative journalism from Columbia Journalism School. For his work, Drepper was named journalist of the year, Editor in Chief of the year and newcomer of the year in Germany. He also won several prestigious journalism awards, including the Wächterpreis, the Reporterpreis and the Ernst-Schneider-Preis. Since 2021 he is the chairman of Netzwerk Recherche, the association of investigative journalists in Germany. He loves investigating bad working conditions, environmental crimes and abuse of power – and is a big fan of narrative non-fiction books.


Haltungsfragen – können Journalist*innen völlig neutral sein?

Marieke Reimann, Matthias Deiss, Daniel Drepper, Ann-Katrin Müller

Haltung im Journalismus wird von den einen unterstellt, von den anderen eingefordert und von dritten als unumgänglich bezeichnet. Wir diskutieren mit Journalist*innen, die in der Sache streiten, aber eine Gemeinsamkeit haben: Sie sind aufrichtig und wahrhaftig an exzellentem Journalismus mit hohen Standards interessiert.
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