Anton Ekker

Tech and Privacy Lawyer
Anton Ekker
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Anton specializes in the legal aspects of large-scale and complex data processing, with a focus on privacy, data protection and Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the past few years, he has handled several high-stake public interest cases on privacy-related issues. In 2019 he assisted a coalition of privacy organizations in a case against the Dutch government that resulted in a ban on the Systeem Risico Indicatie (SyRI), that was used to detect fraud. Currently he represents several groups of Uber and Ola drivers before the Court of Appeals of Amsterdam in cases about data transparency, profiling and automated decision-making. 

Previous to his career as a lawyer, Anton obtained a PhD at the Institute for Information Law (IViR).


Fight the Power! Data Rights and Social Justice in the Platform Economy

Jill Toh, Michael Veale, Gloria González Fuster, Jef Ausloos, Anton Ekker

Do you rely on an online platform to earn money, whether it is through creating content or driving around people, delivering food or groceries? Or are you a user who wishes to help scrutinise platforms to foster more just conditions? Join this hands-on workshop with others who share your concerns and learn how data rights can help reclaim power.
Workshop T
Hands On