Get there healthy and happy - Any Way the Wind Blows

Susanne Hugo

Location: Outdoor

Come and join me for small exercises that relieve stress and tension in your eyes, neck, and back. Energize for the off-stage program. 15 minutes and you feel revitalized and ready to take off for wherever you wish to go. It is easy, to do, all-inclusive.
Off Stage

You need your hands and the willingness to stop, look and listen inside yourself. 

I offer 15 minute sessions with small exercises that revive you when you are tired and exhausted, relieve stress and tension in your eyes, neck, and back. We practice together, I show you what to do and explain what and why we are doing this. You can feel the result immediately. No stress, no big physical action. We practice sitting comfortably, using our hands gently touching our bodies and holding our fingers. All are welcome.

The method is called Jin Shin Jyutsu, the art of happiness and longevity. It is a healing touch method, revitalizing our organ and mental functions by applying a sequence of touches on ourselves. It is practiced in 38 countries worldwide. However, it is widely unknown in Germany.