Find Your Individual (Queer) Relationship Structure with The Unlabeled Group

Juls Blackbird, Daniel Courtney

Both public and private spaces are still largely dominated by mono- and heteronormative stories and norms.
At The Unlabeled Group we aim to create a safe space for You to share thoughts and experience regarding non-monogamy, and enable you to find your very own „label“ or „relationship structure“. #queeryourrelationship
Workshop F
Meet Up

During the one-hour meet up we will discuss different ways of living and loving „outside“ of the mono-normative framework: What are common concepts within the spectrum of non-monogamy? What labels do you find useful / not useful? How can you use the relationship anarchy smorgasbord to look at the different relationships in your life with appreciation?

The goal is to facilitate an open discussion on non-monogamy in a moderated, safe setting and to connect like-minded people. 

Note: Come as you are - no prior knowledge is required. Depending on the size of the group, we may form smaller groups to allow for effective discussion and sharing among participants.