Decrypting the Universe: A Deep Dive with James Beacham

James Beacham

What's outside the universe? What's inside a black hole? What is dark matter, really? We will ever be able to travel through time? Is our universe made of math? Why do people believe ridiculous things? Why do people think that everything in existence needs to be commodified? How will the universe end? Join Dr. James Beacham, ask-me-anything style.
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Meet Dr. James Beacham, particle physicist at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, to talk with him about how he explores the cutting edges of science and technology and why the hottest-and-latest in science matters to your life, as well.

After his talk on 9 June, you have the chance to meet him on 10 June in our Home Base!

Physicist Dr. James Beacham wears a jacket and black glasses.
Particle physicist & science storyteller